Monday, February 25, 2013

New Songs!

Now that my album Frontier is finished, a wave of inspiration has been striking, and new songs are being written! Below are the lyrics for a new song, entitled, "Bones 'O Earth":

(Stayed tuned for upcoming streaming audio clips)

Bones 'O Earth

In my philosophical quest,
I submit to an endless test:
Tease-and-denial with the Spirit I seek
as a hunter in heat for a Theory of Everything…..  
At least it’s tiny insights I’m fated to chew
rather than one coherent truth,
for if I could grasp all the answers,
human purpose would have no future.

Ever since I emerged from my mother
I got the urge to merge with the “other”             
Behold, your birthright, bones of the earth
Behold, your birthright, bones of the earth  
Endlessly I come to the same conclusion,
despite our differences and confusion.
Each one of us a distinct refraction  
of one light fractal, reflexive passion.
But the realization never gets old
the realization never gets old

True magick isn’t learning new skills,
to gasp and dazzle at novel thrills,
rather the life-affirming satisfaction
re-membering ancient currents long forgotten.
but the realization never gets old
the realization never gets old

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