Monday, April 11, 2011

Relating to the Body as a Bondage Model

It could be that becoming a bondage model and a submissive/masochist in general, was a way for me to get in better touch with my body!

Recently decided that I would start swimming again. Naturally, I'm someone who lives in their head all the time. This means that although let's face it, I'm brilliant, I tend to trip, walk into walls, and not notice people saying hello on the street. It also means that I've always felt disconnected from my body. It's something that brings me pleasure, pain, and I need to feed it every once in a while.

This is a great portion of reality though! I've realized the need in myself to live in physical reality more, but it's always been a struggle.

BDSM has been great in helping me live more somatically, since it requires a knowledge and awareness of the body (and where the mind, body, and soul connect). It begins primarily as a somatic experience. Knowing the body's boundaries, limits, and feeling the precise places and boundaries where a beating goes from "good" pain to "bad" pain requires one to live in the body. This is so important for people like me.

Just some thoughts!


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